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Our Business

Since 1994 our family-owned shop has always prioritised quality, sustainability and and taste.

To that end we use our own recepies and local, trusted farmes, from whom we procure our meat.

To be able to guarantee our high standrads are met, we slaughter in our own EU-certified facility and do all the processing ourselves.

EU-Flag, EU-Certificate
Rgeionale Herkunft der Tiere, Familie Buntz


We procure local animals from our long time, trusted farmer "Buntz".

Fed without gene modified feed, our farmers share our values.

Due to them being local to us, we have very short distances for animals to travel before getting processed, helping them stay calm and even improving the quality of thr end product.

Our Poultry is procured form Dangelhof Altheim/Alb.

The "Meister"


Our "Metzger-Meister" (Masters of Trade) process our product from the very beginning to the very end.

Cosimo and Fabio:

The founder and his son, both Masters of their Trade, take care of the products and ensure their quality and taste throughout the processing. 

Due to our high standard we are allowed to use the red "F-Marke".

Fabio Iurlano, Metzgermeister

Our Team

Our most recent Apprentice!

Ausbildungen zum Fachverkäufer und Metzger, Lea Iurlano

Our machanical colleagues!

Around the clock!

Automat Hausen

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